Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cheese Tree (Glochidion sumatranum, Glochidion philippicum, Glochidion benthamianum)
Glochidion sumatranum
Common Names: Cheesetree; Pin Flower Tree; Sumatran Buttonwood; Umbrella Cheesetree; Buttonwood
Glochidion philippicum
Common Names: Buttonwood; Daintree Cheese Tree; Philippine Buttonwood; Pin Flower Tree
Glochidion benthamianum
Common Names: Buttonwood; Cheese Tree; Bentham's Buttonwood

There are three species of trees named Cheese Tree in Queensland. They are named Cheese Tree because their leaves look like tiny round cheeses. Birds love them; they are a major attractor of a variety of species. The Cheese Tree is primary successional.

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