Monday, August 29, 2011

Classification Format

The Regeneration Trail is about a one kilometer walk through twenty years of rainforest regeneration. The farther one walks on the trail, the older the planted vegetation. Aside from slight variation due to cyclones, the rainforest gets taller and denser as one progresses. Trees identified on the regeneration walk are labeled "Regeneration Trail".

The Dubuji Boardwalk is a one kilometer track through rainforest, mangrove forest and swamp. Because the boardwalk winds through natural, untouched rainforest, there are old plant species that can't be seen on the Reforestation Trail. Plants identified on the Dubuji Boardwalk path are labeled "Dubuji Boardwalk".

Titles of plant entries include species name and common name.
Tags on plant entries include species name, synonyms of species name, and more widely used (yet sometimes incorrect) species names.
Plants are labeled "Pioneer species", "Primary successional", and "Secondary Successional" when appropriate

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